MBA Full Form

MBA is an educational degree. It is a business-related degree. Two years are taken to complete this degree. You can apply for it after the 12th class. You have to given an entrance test for this degree at the university. You can full detail of MBA, full form of MBA, and abbreviation of MBA in the table given below.

Full Form Category Term
Master of Business Administration Business MBA
Macroblock Address (H.263) Computer and Networking MBA
Masters of Business Administration Educational Degree MBA
Message Body Authenticator Telecommunication MBA
MAHOBA Indian Railway Station MBA
Mortgage Bankers Association Banking MBA
Message Board Arrogance Messaging MBA
Married But Available Messaging MBA
Me Before Anyone Messaging MBA
Massive Bank Account Accounts and Finance MBA
Mean Binary Accuracy Measurement Unit MBA
Microsoft Business Associate Job Title MBA
Mombasa Airport Code MBA
Mississauga Baseball Association Sports MBA
Mobile Body Awareness Sports MBA
Milford Basketball Association Sports MBA
Main Battle Area Military and Defence MBA