RSVP Full Form

RSVP is generally a request for a response from invited people. It was first in French but later was adapted in English during the 18th of century. You can see the full detail of RSVP, full forms of RSVP, and abbreviations of RSVP in the table given below.

Full FormCategoryTerm
Please RespondInternet ChatRSVP
Resource Reservation Setup Protocol (IETF)Computer and NetworkingRSVP
Reply RequestedEmailRSVP
Revised Standard Version PleaseEducational DegreeRSVP
Resource Reservation ProtocolNetworkingRSVP
Respond Soon Via PhoneMessagingRSVP
Responding Seems Very PitifulMessagingRSVP
Respond To Sender Very PromptlyMessagingRSVP
Refund Support Vocations ProgramMessagingRSVP
Revenue Share Value PlanStock ExchangeRSVP
Ride Seattle To Vancouver and PartySportsRSVP
Reports Scenario Verification ProgramMilitary and DefenceRSVP